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Why We Urge You To Join This Alliance


Ever since the United States Supreme Court ruled against prayer in the public schools in 1962, religious freedom has been under assault, despite the fact that the Bill of Rights clearly states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The government, under the guise of the “separation of church and state” principle—which it perverted just enough to widen the scope of its attacks—has steadily barred religion from the public square, twisting the phrase, “freedom of religion,” to “freedom from religion.” Christianity, the primary religion of Americans, has been the chief target.  Christians, especially, are seeing their religious freedoms limited by federal, state and local governments; schools and universities; institutions and corporations; and community groups. Christians have been targeted as enemies of “progress,” and every effort is being employed to stifle, ridicule or delegitimize Christianity’s voice in society.

Our secular culture has made Christians somewhat desensitized, and indeed as if clouded against the harsh reality of a tsunami of hatred, fueled and energized by satanic forces, prophesied by God, and called in the Bible the "tribulation" that is advancing toward Christian people. Satan's approach against the Christian religion in western nations has been through educational institutions and the courts. He has been eminently successful in both areas. Now since academic liberals generally see religion as at odds with freedom, they are increasingly coming to believe that the state has the right—indeed the obligation—to "damage-control" religion. The state, therefore, becomes mentor, teacher and priest.

These haters of God would commit mayhem against the United States’ Constitution (and against Americans) in order to build their utopian society of sterile rationality and unfettered choice. It brings to mind Romans 1:18: "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.”  The judges render decisions that persecute those with sincere religious conscience convictions that are injuring nobody and who innocently follow the biblical truths allowed by the First Amendment.  Christian people are being cursed in this way! Our concern for Christians and our nation is that if we are not following Jesus' Olivet command to His disciples to be alert and to be on guard, it can allow the stain of this world's satanic, anti-God apathy to be slowly imposed upon us without our even being aware. This Alliance will help to keep us vigilant. 


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